Monday, July 8, 2013

5-10-5 Drill and Analysis

We always say that our goal as coaches is to prepare you for whatever activity, goal, or situation you may be faced with. Preparation is the key to success and with that being said it is our job to prepare you for everything.

For example, you never know when you will be caught in a vicious game of pickle so drills like the 5-10-5 drill will help you shine when that moment comes.

The 5-10-5 drill is a staple for finding out how quick an athlete is because it defines agility to a science. It will test how quickly a person can accelerate, decelerate, stop, and reaccelerate without losing their balance and body control. The ability for an athlete to change directions at top end speed is crucial for optimal performance and that ability to be honed by the skills learned in the 5-10-5 drill, L-Drill, and Star Drill.

Keys to the 5-10-5 drill are:

  • Keeping a low center of gravity
  • Keeping the arm action "lip to hip" and near the body to keep the athlete running in a straight line
  • Planting without taking too may stutter steps and then pushing off the instep of the outside foot to get as much power as possible on the backside to change directions
  • Taking 3 steps on the 5 yard portion, 5-6 on the 10 yard portion, and 2-3 on the final 5 yard segment
Use this drill to test agility and see where you stack up against the pros by clicking here. The 5-10-5 drill is listed as 20 yard shuttle.

Enjoy and learn from this analysis of two of our stud high school baseball players going at it.

Like the wind...


Warm-up: #5

Skill: Rope Climbs - Alt w/ Partner for 5 Mins
Strength: 10 Min EMOM
2 Clean Pulls + 1 Clean @ AHAP

Ropes  for 2 rounds (20 on/10 off)

1 Round:
Alternate wave with a squat
Speed Skaters
Criss Cross Slam

5X100 M
-1 minute betwen sets
After last sprint immediately go into a 2 minute recovery jog


Ropes (20 on/10 off) for 2 rounds
Alternate wave with a squat
Speed Skaters
Criss Cross Slam

Barbell Club

Warm-up: #5

Skill: Rope Climbs - Alt w/ Partner for 5 Mins
Strength: 8 Min EMOM
2 Snatch @ AHAP

1) 3x3 Push Press - work up to heavy set - heavier than last week
2) 3xME Pullups
Rest 45 secs between sets

Back Squat
5x2 Pause Squats (3sec pause at bottom) at AHAP - work your way up

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