Tanner Guy set's a new 400 M Course record with a time of 1:02 (Our course has a few more sharp turns and curves than a track)
Hedric Carella sets a new Squat record with a PR of 455lbs. He is 18 years old and the only thing bigger than his squat is his mouth.
Tracy Trenck steps up to the plate and PR's everything from her Get Up Sit Up to her time from home to the gym.
The Sexton family came to play! Tracey, mother of 4, sets a women's Deadlift record with a 285lb pull. Her daughter Abbie, 15, back squatted 200 and front squatted 185 and my man, Alex Sexton, 13, PR'ed in everything and skyrocketed from 0 pull ups 6 moths ago to 14 today. Dead strict, son!
Tony Lisotta went from not being able to air squat with his concrete hips to going ass to grass on a 300lb back squat.
Twins separated at birth, Christina Brown and Kristen Pusch, both PR'ed in all 9 categories and did so in style.
Melissa Sewell showed major improvement and had sizeable gains to PR in deadlift, clean, clean and jerk, pull ups, and southern accent.
In the push up realm, Tricia Lolkus and Shannon Shipley both left the crossfit worm behind and knocked out new PR's in push ups and they were done military style with hips never even sniffin'the ground.
Jackie Bernard is still riding her Coache's Eye debut high with her 125lb clean and her husband Jason was feelin' it too with a Pull Up, Squat, and Clean PR.
Jackie Rosenstein left her tap shoes at home and dominated in newbie fashion establishing PR's with the vigor and grit of the Shark's in a Westside Story.
Chris "Father Time" Scott showed why he gets a sick nickname by crushing 27 strict pull ups.
...and...as of 8 minutes ago Cale and I watched max week conclude with a class that was 7 for 7 in deadlifts PR's. My cuz, Mari Ebert pulled 190lbs, D.J. "Papa" Carney pulled 305lbs, Jen "Big Cat" Ruszczyk crushed 145, the Sutton Family (Stuart a former Virgina Tech Linebacker and Beverly a former WWE Diva) set a new couples record with a 600lb combined total, Kristen "Little Baby" Pusch who weighs a mere 90lbs forcefully levitated a 175lb bar to her waist that was to small to hold a weight belt.
Every single one of you who participated made us so proud and we can't thank you enough for making our jobs so awesome.
For any of you who want to continue to PR on pull ups, here is a month long program that helped our member's skyrocket to numbers they never thought they could reach. Ladies, you can do unassisted pull ups and guys, you can reach that 20 and 30 milestone. Use this program created and tested here and it will happen.
Test Week
Test-With a overhand grip and thumb around the bar (thumb around the bar creates more shoulder stability) do as many pull ups as possible while pulling your chin over the bar each time and getting a full lockout at the bottom. This test is done using strict pull ups. There is absolutely no kip. Legs can bent but there can be no kick or kip to get your chin over the bar.
Complete this test a week before you start your pull up program.
Are you ready for this program?
If you have shoulder mobility issues, you can complete this program but do the program using bodyweight rows. Make sure you use a maximal angle. There are many tests to find out if you have shoulder mobility issues but for this program our test will be simple. Place you back against the wall and make sure everything from your heels, butt, back, and head are touching the wall with as little of a back arch as possible. Bring both arms up to a 90 degree angle like you are signaling a made field goal. At this point every part of your arms including the back of your arms should be touching the wall. From here, keeping all parts of your body on the wall including your arms and back of your hands, slide your arms and hand up the wall to the angle at which you would be at a dead hang with your pull ups. If you have to arch your back or if you can not keep all parts of your body against the wall including your arms and back of your hands your shoulders are not quite mobile enough to safely complete the program.
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We will do this while standing and make sure arms go to full extension |
Week 1
Day 1-Volume (Monday): 30 Pull Ups in least amount of sets possible. If you can do over 20 unbroken then make that number 40. Make sure to log the number you do each set, what band you used if any, and absolutely rest at least 45 seconds to a minute between sets.
Day 2-Negatives (Wednesday): 10X1 Negatives with a 5-0-0-3 Tempo. You will jump up and put your chin over the bar so there is no concentric phase (muscle contraction phase), you will then hold at the top for 3 seconds, then in the eccentric phase (muscle lengthening phase) you will lower yourself down for 5 seconds, when you reach the bottom jump down. That is one rep. Do 10 sets with 1 minute between sets. Each rep should be challenging so add weight to your body if needed and if you can't hold the recommended time then use a band that challenges you.
Day 3-Volume (Friday): So this is the portion of the video where we ran out of space on the iPod. On this day you will do 2 Max effort sets of Pull Ups, Chin Ups, Close Grip Pull Ups, Off Set Grip (One hand forward and one back) and then switch hands and do it the other way for your second Off Set Grip set. Do each max effort set once with a minute rest between sets and then do it one more time. Make sure you log how many you do each set and what kind of pull ups they were.
Week 2
Day 1-Volume (Monday): 40 Pull Ups in least amount of sets possible. If you can do over 20 unbroken then make that number 50. Make sure to log the number you do each set, what band you used if any, and absolutely rest at least 45 seconds to a minute between sets.
Day 2-Negatives (Wednesday): 6X2 Negatives with a 5-0-X-3 Tempo. This week there will be a concentric phase (muscle contraction phase) so you will actually pull yourself up from a dead hang, you will then hold at the top for 3 seconds, then in the eccentric phase (muscle lengthening phase) you will lower yourself down for 5 seconds, when you reach the bottom pull your self back up again, hold for three at the top, and then lower yourself down for 5. Then jump off the bar. That will complete your two reps. Do 6 sets with 1 minute between sets. Each rep should be challenging so add weight to your body if needed and if you can't hold the recommended time then use a band that challenges you.
Day 3-Volume (Friday): Do 2 Max effort sets of Pull Ups, Chin Ups, Close Grip Pull Ups, Off Set Grip (One hand forward and one back) and then switch hands and do it the other way for your second Off Set Grip set. Do each max effort set once with a minute rest between sets and then do it one more time. Make sure you log how many you do each set and what kind of pull ups they were.
Week 3
Day 1-Volume (Monday): 50 Pull Ups in least amount of sets possible. If you can do over 20 unbroken then make that number 60. Make sure to log the number you do each set, what band you used if any, and absolutely rest at least 45 seconds to a minute between sets.
Day 2-Negatives (Wednesday): 6XME (Max Effort) Negatives with a 5-0-X-3 Tempo. This week you are pulling up from a dead hang, holding above the bar for 3, lower yourself down for 5, and then pulling yourself right back up and repeating that until you can't do anymore reps. Do that until you have completed 6 max effort sets. Do 6 sets with 1 minute between sets. Each rep should be challenging so add weight to your body if needed and if you can't hold the recommended time then use a band that challenges you. Log how many you do each set and if you used added weight or a band, log that too. You should be shooting for 3-10 reps each set. If the number is lower than 3 you may need to use a progression that gets you to 3 or more. If the number of reps is over 10 then use a progression that will challenge you to stay between 3 and 10 reps.
Day 3-Volume (Friday): Do 3 Max effort sets of Pull Ups, Chin Ups, Close Grip Pull Ups, Off Set Grip (One hand forward and one back) and then switch hands and do it the other way for your second Off Set Grip set. Do each max effort set once with a minute rest between sets and then do it one more time. Make sure you log how many you do each set and what kind of pull ups they were.
Week 4
Day 1-Volume (Monday): 30 Pull Ups in least amount of sets possible. If you can do over 20 unbroken then make that number 40. Make sure to log the number you do each set, what band you used if any, and absolutely rest at least 45 seconds to a minute between sets.
Rest 5 Days and retest with a new and improved PR
Like the wind...