Friday, June 28, 2013

Max Week Concludes in Style!

Max week is over!!! Here are some highlights:

Tanner Guy set's a new 400 M Course record with a time of 1:02 (Our course has a few more sharp turns and curves than a track)

Hedric Carella sets a new Squat record with a PR of 455lbs. He is 18 years old and the only thing bigger than his squat is his mouth.

Tracy Trenck steps up to the plate and PR's everything from her Get Up Sit Up to her time from home to the gym.

The Sexton family came to play! Tracey, mother of 4, sets a women's Deadlift record with a 285lb pull. Her daughter Abbie, 15, back squatted 200 and front squatted 185 and my man, Alex Sexton, 13, PR'ed in everything and skyrocketed from 0 pull ups 6 moths ago to 14 today. Dead strict, son!

Tony Lisotta went from not being able to air squat with his concrete hips to going ass to grass on a 300lb back squat.

Twins separated at birth, Christina Brown and Kristen Pusch, both PR'ed in all 9 categories and did so in style.

Melissa Sewell showed major improvement and had sizeable gains to PR in deadlift, clean, clean and jerk, pull ups, and southern accent.

In the push up realm, Tricia Lolkus and Shannon Shipley both left the crossfit worm behind and knocked out new PR's in push ups and they were done military style with hips never even sniffin'the ground.

Jackie Bernard is still riding her Coache's Eye debut high with her 125lb clean and her husband Jason was feelin' it too with a Pull Up, Squat, and Clean PR.

Jackie Rosenstein left her tap shoes at home and dominated in newbie fashion establishing PR's with the vigor and grit of the Shark's in a Westside Story.

Chris "Father Time" Scott showed why he gets a sick nickname by crushing 27 strict pull ups. of 8 minutes ago Cale and I watched max week conclude with a class that was 7 for 7 in deadlifts PR's. My cuz, Mari Ebert pulled 190lbs, D.J. "Papa" Carney pulled 305lbs, Jen "Big Cat" Ruszczyk crushed 145, the Sutton Family (Stuart a former Virgina Tech Linebacker and Beverly a former WWE Diva) set a new couples record with a 600lb combined total, Kristen "Little Baby" Pusch who weighs a mere 90lbs forcefully levitated a 175lb bar to her waist that was to small to hold a weight belt.

Every single one of you who participated made us so proud and we can't thank you enough for making our jobs so awesome.

For any of you who want to continue to PR on pull ups, here is a month long program that helped our member's skyrocket to numbers they never thought they could reach. Ladies, you can do unassisted pull ups and guys, you can reach that 20 and 30 milestone. Use this program created and tested here and it will happen.

Test Week

Test-With a overhand grip and thumb around the bar (thumb around the bar creates more shoulder stability) do as many pull ups as possible while pulling your chin over the bar each time and getting a full lockout at the bottom. This test is done using strict pull ups. There is absolutely no kip. Legs can bent but there can be no kick or kip to get your chin over the bar.

Complete this test a week before you start your pull up program.

Are you ready for this program?

If you have shoulder mobility issues, you can complete this program but do the program using bodyweight rows. Make sure you use a maximal angle. There are many tests to find out if you have shoulder mobility issues but for this program our test will be simple. Place you back against the wall and make sure everything from your heels, butt, back, and head are touching the wall with as little of a back arch as possible. Bring both arms up to a 90 degree angle like you are signaling a made field goal. At this point every part of your arms including the back of your arms should be touching the wall. From here, keeping all parts of your body on the wall including your arms and back of your hands, slide your arms and hand up the wall to the angle at which you would be at a dead hang with your pull ups. If you have to arch your back or if you can not keep all parts of your body against the wall including your arms and back of your hands your shoulders are not quite mobile enough to safely complete the program.

We will do this while standing and make sure arms go to full extension

Week 1
Day 1-
Volume (Monday): 30 Pull Ups in least amount of sets possible. If you can do over 20 unbroken then make that number 40. Make sure to log the number you do each set, what band you used if any, and absolutely rest at least 45 seconds to a minute between sets.

Day 2-Negatives (Wednesday): 10X1 Negatives with a 5-0-0-3 Tempo. You will jump up and put your chin over the bar so there is no concentric phase (muscle contraction phase), you will then hold at the top for 3 seconds, then in the eccentric phase (muscle lengthening phase) you will lower yourself down for 5 seconds, when you reach the bottom jump down. That is one rep. Do 10 sets with 1 minute between sets. Each rep should be challenging so add weight to your body if needed and if you can't hold the recommended time then use a band that challenges you.

Day 3-Volume (Friday): So this is the portion of the video where we ran out of space on the iPod. On this day you will do 2 Max effort sets of Pull Ups, Chin Ups, Close Grip Pull Ups, Off Set Grip (One hand forward and one back) and then switch hands and do it the other way for your second Off Set Grip set. Do each max effort set once with a minute rest between sets and then do it one more time. Make sure you log how many you do each set and what kind of pull ups they were.

Week 2
Day 1-Volume (Monday): 40 Pull Ups in least amount of sets possible. If you can do over 20 unbroken then make that number 50. Make sure to log the number you do each set, what band you used if any, and absolutely rest at least 45 seconds to a minute between sets.

Day 2-Negatives (Wednesday): 6X2 Negatives with a 5-0-X-3 Tempo. This week there will be a concentric phase (muscle contraction phase) so you will actually pull yourself up from a dead hang, you will then hold at the top for 3 seconds, then in the eccentric phase (muscle lengthening phase) you will lower yourself down for 5 seconds, when you reach the bottom pull your self back up again, hold for three at the top, and then lower yourself down for 5. Then jump off the bar. That will complete your two reps. Do 6 sets with 1 minute between sets. Each rep should be challenging so add weight to your body if needed and if you can't hold the recommended time then use a band that challenges you.

Day 3-Volume (Friday): Do 2 Max effort sets of Pull Ups, Chin Ups, Close Grip Pull Ups, Off Set Grip (One hand forward and one back) and then switch hands and do it the other way for your second Off Set Grip set. Do each max effort set once with a minute rest between sets and then do it one more time. Make sure you log how many you do each set and what kind of pull ups they were.

Week 3

Day 1-Volume (Monday): 50 Pull Ups in least amount of sets possible. If you can do over 20 unbroken then make that number 60. Make sure to log the number you do each set, what band you used if any, and absolutely rest at least 45 seconds to a minute between sets.

Day 2-Negatives (Wednesday): 6XME (Max Effort) Negatives with a 5-0-X-3 Tempo. This week you are pulling up from a dead hang, holding above the bar for 3, lower yourself down for 5, and then pulling yourself right back up and repeating that until you can't do anymore reps. Do that until you have completed 6 max effort sets. Do 6 sets with 1 minute between sets. Each rep should be challenging so add weight to your body if needed and if you can't hold the recommended time then use a band that challenges you. Log how many you do each set and if you used added weight or a band, log that too. You should be shooting for 3-10 reps each set. If the number is lower than 3 you may need to use a progression that gets you to 3 or more. If the number of reps is over 10 then use a progression that will challenge you to stay between 3 and 10 reps.

Day 3-Volume (Friday): Do 3 Max effort sets of Pull Ups, Chin Ups, Close Grip Pull Ups, Off Set Grip (One hand forward and one back) and then switch hands and do it the other way for your second Off Set Grip set. Do each max effort set once with a minute rest between sets and then do it one more time. Make sure you log how many you do each set and what kind of pull ups they were.

Week 4

Day 1-Volume (Monday): 30 Pull Ups in least amount of sets possible. If you can do over 20 unbroken then make that number 40. Make sure to log the number you do each set, what band you used if any, and absolutely rest at least 45 seconds to a minute between sets.

Rest 5 Days and retest with a new and improved PR

Like the wind...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Cut Yourself Some Slack

Hannah Schimpf's 110lb Clean PR
So maybe old Schimpanzee didn't reach full extension and maybe her high pull was non existent but what she did do was hit a 20lb PR on her clean and if her clean used to be Snookie, now it's Marissa Tomei. That sucker is looking way better! So even though it's not perfect, old Schimpf is still smiling and having a blast. Look at that smile mid pull!
Guy's and gal's, this blog is a simple one. All I want to say is, be proud of yourself. So you missed a PR attempt. Big friggin' deal. You had to PR a half dozen times to even get to that point. Be proud of how far you came to get to where you are. Be proud that you have learned new skills, have new goals to meet and exceed, and have a place to let out aggression from a day filled with spreadsheets and boring office talk.
You all are incredible and you exceed Cale and my expectations daily. Walk in here with a goal to get better than you were the day before. It can be anything from proper breathing to staying patient and actually taking advantage of rest periods so you can properly complete your next set. What ever it may be, attack it and aim to exceed your previous attempt. If you do that, you will PR daily.
We are pumped to see you all PR on front squats, 300 M shuttle, and pull ups tomorrow. Come and get it!
By the way, tomorrow we will have a blog on a subject very close to my heart. I'll give you a hint, it has to do with swinging your body like a monkey with vertigo to get your chin over the bar for a meant to make your jaw drop amount of reps.
Also, after you all PR on your pull ups tomorrow, we will post the pull up program we used to get everyone to their goals.
Like the wind...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

PR's for Days, son!

Before we break down Jackie Bernard's PR in this coaches eye. I wanted to share a few thoughts.

This job is so much friggin' fun it's not even fair. I could watch y'all PR all day long and it would never get old. As a matter of fact, I've been doing it for the last two days and I'm thirsty for more.

Since Monday we have seen over 50 new PR's on everything from Clean and Jerk's to Back Squats. Tomorrow we will find out where you stand in the 400 M, 5-10-5 Drill, and push ups in a minute.

I seriously can not wait to get in here everyday. The energy this week is electric. It's as if Tiesto was mixing under a full moon in Miami as Pyrro Dimas PR's his Clean and Jerk on a Fiat.

Tomorrow is may just be a Wednesday but it is a bad ass Wednesday that will be full of camaraderie, celebration, sick videos, and proud coaches. Call in the dogs, piss on the fire, it's time to go home.

Like the wind...


Set a new PR...

Push ups/minute

Friday, June 21, 2013

Premiere Boot Camp

(Cue high pitched overly excited voice speaking to musical beat)

"And 1, and 2, and 3 and kick. Nice, grapevine left, grapevine right, and lunge. Aaaaaaaaand, let's repeat again, now go!"

Now picture those same cues spoken by Cale and I...

Never going to happen! I'll tell you what is happening though, beginning Monday, July 1st, Art of Strength will begin the Art of Strength Tampa Bay Premiere Boot Camp. We will take out all the cheesiness and give the same great instruction, operate by the same sound philosophies, still give you workouts for the ages and will do it in a gorgeous tree studded setting right around the corner from our gym.

The Boot Camps will be 45 minutes long and will be ran at a much faster pace with shorter rest periods than our regular classes at the gym, we will use less weights (we will still have ropes...), and the classes will be offered Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 8:00 AM and 6:30 PM.

Furthermore, they will be ran by fitness extraordinaire, Maggie Owen. Yes, she is Cale's lovely wife and yes, she is the girl in the background of class that is squatting double her body weight, snatching her body weight and then some, and clean and Jerking small humans with perfect form.

Any member who currently attends the gym can go to the boot camps any time they want with no extra charge. Consider it a chance to give you a nice change of pace and yet another service on top of our Barbell Club, regular classes, and yoga. For any of your friends who want to join, you can tell them that they get access to the Boot Camp for $99/month and if they want to upgrade to full membership which includes gym access, they just pay the difference of the $150/month we charge, and just like always, if you recommend your friend to the gym or the boot camp, you get half off your next month.

Here is some even more exciting news. We will open the Boot Camps to your little ones as well. Don't be selfish! Why should you get fit and your kids shouldn't? We take ages 8 and up so if you want to have a sweet little bonding time over a pool of sweat, this is perfect for you.

Now that you are privy to our weekly outdoor extravaganza of fun and fitness, let me inform you about next Saturday the 29th. So you all can see what the program will be like, we are encouraging you to bring a friend and meet us in the Tri County Parking lot on the corner of Racetrack and Linebaugh for our first outdoor Boot Camp. We will have it in place of our 9AM class (We will still have yoga after in the gym). This will give you all a chance to meet Maggie "Mags" Owen as well.

Last but not least, do not forget that the open house is changed from July 13th to July 20th from 9 AM to 3 PM. We will have the blood bus, food from Aloha to Go, contests, free giveaways by our Antlered friends, the TEN Institute, chair massages, chiropractic tests by Dynamic Total Health, and last but certainly not least, a trunk show by our close friends, Lululemon Athletica!!!

The cat is out of the bag. You heard it straight out of the horses mouth. I came, I typed, I conquered. Have a great weekend.

Like the wind...


Warm up:   Rope a Dope, son!

Mobility: Get those hips and ankles silky smooth


Partners are directly across from one and other 100ft apart with one set of KB's on one side. Partner one will complete a set task and when they are done they will pick up the KB's and carry them to their partner and then run back to their original position. Once they are back the second partner can begin the same task their partner just finished and then carry the KB's back to the and once they sprint back to the original position partner one will move onto the next task. This format will be repeated until all tasks are complete.

M: 24-32kg /W: 16-20kg


15 KB Thrusters (Using one KB only)
15 Super Planks
15 Long Cycle Swings
15 Burpees
15 KB Swings to a Squat
15 Push Ups (5 seconds down, explode up) 
15 KB Presses
15 Dive Bombers


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Rips Big Bowl of Goodness

Quick post tonight, ladies and gents. Remember that Saturday's workout is moved to 8am and NO yoga!

Here is an easy recipe for a delicious breakfast called Rip's Big Bowl. Check it. Add some hemp seed for a high dose of fat and protein.

1/4 cup raw old-fashioned oats
 1/4 cup Grape Nuts or Ezekiel brand equivalent
 1/4 cup bite-size shredded wheat
 1/4 cup Uncle Sam cereal
 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed meal
 2 tablespoons raisins
 2 tablespoons walnuts
 1 banana, sliced
 1 kiwi, sliced
 Segments of one grapefruit and juice
 ¾ cup milk substitute of choice
Toss all ingredients except the grapefruit and milk substitute into a bowl.
After cutting grapefruit in half, use a small, sharp knife to remove the segments. Add segments to the top of the bowl and squeeze in the juice.
 Top the bowl with milk substitute.
In a pinch, simply add water (the fruits blend with the water and give it a sweet taste)
Like the wind...
Warm up: #4

Skill: BL Core Work
2x20 of each:
Mountain Climbers

Strength: Deadlift
1x5 @ 40%
1x5 @ 50%
1x5 @ 60%

Workout: You Pick Friday – pick one of the following
-         10x100m Sprints – Walk Back
-          3x400m – 2:1 Rest Ratio
-          10 Rounds of:
o   10 Sec Sprint, 20 Sec Moderate, 30 Sec Easy on bike or run
-          2 Mile Jog
-          8 Rounds of:
o   50 Jump Rope/20 Secs on Rope
§  Rest 20 Secs

Barbell Club

Warm up: #4

Skill: BL Core Work
2x20 of each:
Mountain Climbers

Strength: Deadlift
1x5 @ 40%
1x5 @ 50%
1x5 @ 60%
2x3 @ 70%

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hips or Ankles? + Open House Date Change

Hey all you squat fiends, take a gander at this quick little video done by the mobility wizard known as Kelly Starrett. If you have trouble trying to figure out if it's your hips that are tight or your ankles, this is a simple test to do that takes all of 3.7 seconds. Once you are able to pinpoint what is hindering you from achieving that perfect squat, you can target that area with some serious mobility work.

Our Open House Event for the ages will now be held on July 20th from 9am-3pm. We are still having all of our planned vendors including the Blood Bus, a Hawaiian Food Truck, bounce house, an international clothing company loved by millions, craft beers and wines that are gluten free, competitions and more!!  It's going to be an amazing day and we just ask that you kidnap 2-7 of your friends and bring them!!

ALSO!! This Saturday our class will be at 8am! Meet at the gym then we will move to a top secret location for an outdoor workout! No 9AM class and no Yoga this Saturday!!

Like the wind...


Warm up: #5

Skill: Sprint Work

Strength: Strict Press
1x5 @ 40%
1x5 @ 50%
1x5 @ 60%

100 Jump Ropes
20 (10 L/10 R) 1L High Jumps
ME Clapping Push Ups

Rest 30 seconds

100 Jump Ropes
20 Speed Skaters
ME Clapping Push Ups

Rest 30 Seconds

100 Jump Ropes
20 Tuck Jumps
ME Clapping Push Ups

Rest 30 Seconds

100 Jump Ropes
20 Jumping Lunges
ME Clapping Push Ups

Rest 30 Seconds

100 Jump Ropes
20 Duck Walk Hops Forwards and Backwards
ME Clapping Push Ups

Barbell Club

Warm up: #5

Skill: Sprint Work

Strength: 8 Min EMOM
1 Clean pull + 1 Clean + 1 Split Jerk @ 70%


Front Squats:
2x5 @ 55%
2X3 @ 65%
1x3 @ 75%

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Wacky Wednesday

Welcome to Wacky Wednesday. Nothing says wacky like two dudes hooked up to an electrical impulse machine that simulates giving birth by shocking their guts into submission. Probably feels like 100 Bandit Loop Pikes for time....don't tell Crossfit, they might actually try that. Enjoy :)

Like the wind...


Warm up: #2


Strength: 10 Min EMOM
4 DBL KB Snatch - AHAP

Progressions are in order from hardest to easiest:
1. DBL KB High Pull
2. 3 (L/R) KB Snatch
3. 2 (L/R) KB High Pull + 1 Snatch (L/R)
4. 4 (L/R) KB High Pull

Workout: Tabata (20 on/10 off for 4 sets per station for 6 rounds - 30 secs rest between rounds)
1. Superplanks
2. Dead Swings
3. BL Lunges
4. Leashed KB Swings
5. Alternating Rows
6. Slams

Barbell Club:

Active Rest Day

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Perfect Angle

The Gauntlet proved to crush souls as advertised today. We don't enjoy seeing you all suffer and break but we do enjoy watching you suffer and then push through the wall while making it look pretty. Great job!

As you will find on many a Tuesday, we are showcasing some awesome lifting technique.

In this video, Spencer Arnold, American Open Champion, and teacher at this week's Oly Camp at AoS, is talking through this lift and showing how to keep the same back angle from the start of the lift, through the first pull, and into the hang position. Notice how as the bar sweeps back, the back angle stays exactly the same allowing for maximum leverage. This allows for more tension to build, creating more vertical power. So check it and learn it!

Eric Rosenstock Back Angle

Like the wind...


Warm up: #1

Skill: Seated Box Jumps 2x5

Strength: 5x2 Hang Clean + 1 Split Jerk AHAP (no misses)

Rest 60-90 secs

Then with same weight

3x3 Clean First Pulls

1 Mile Timed Run

Rest 3 Minutes

ME Power Abs
50 Russian Twists on Ropes
2X10 Clockwise Circle to Super Plank to Counterclockwise Circle

Barbell Club

Warm up: #1

Skill: Seated Box Jumps 2x5

Strength: 12 Min EMOM
2 Snatch + 1 OHS @ Moderate Weight - NOT HEAVY WORK FORM
3x3 Snatch Pull @ Moderate
5x3 Strict Press @ Heavy - work up in weight

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day News and Announcements

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.  If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.  If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.  Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.  For we know in part and we prophesy in part,  but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.  When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.  Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.  And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Happy Father's Day to all the members of the gym who have children and to anyone else reading this blog. Thank you all for providing us with an example of how we should live and for helping us grow through love.
Speaking of love, I would be remised if I did not let you all know how much you will love the Tom Foolery, Ballyhoo, and all around fun and excitement that will be spreading through the gym over the next month.
First and Foremost, our Gable Challenge, Abolution, and Bear Club shirts are in and are ready to be picked up by any of you who completed the challenges. Great job and make sure to stay on this month's pull up challenge to become a member of the Shut Up and Pull Up Club.
In other news, our July 13th Open House is right around the corner and we have some star studded businesses who just committed to joining our event. Rigby's Barbershop will be giving haircuts from 9-11 and Primetime Liquors owned by our very own Dion Falzone will be serving Organic and Gluten free beer and wine.
Make sure to save the date on your calendar, July 13th, 9-3 PM. There is no better way to have a post 4th of July party than with your friends at the gym, sweet bounce houses, bad @ss haircuts, healthy yet tasty alcoholic libations, feats of strength (Push up, pull up, and rope contests) , supplement giveaways, and a very special international clothing vendor...
...bring at least 2-7 friends to join in on the fun.
Thank you all for the support and let's have a great deload week so we can crush max week a in 7 days!
Warm Up: #3

Skill: KB Complex X3 UB (L/R)

1A KB Swing, 1A KB Swing to Clean to Squat to Press, 1A KB High Pull, 1A KB Snatch to OHS)
1 (L/R)

Strength: Back Squats

1x5 @ 40%
1x5 @ 50%
1x5 @ 60%

Workout: The Gauntlet

(M: 24 in jump on and then off box to 2 lateral box jumps over 16 in
W: 20 in jump on and then off box to 2 lateral box jumps over 12 in)
3 Rounds with 1 Minute break between Rounds. Each Round has two sets that consist of:

-5 sets of the above mentioned box jumps and lateral jumps
-10 Burpees on Rope with Push Up
-(2) 20 M Suicides

***Clock each round and take the average time for your actual time***

The Barbell Club

Warm Up: #3

Skill: KB Complex X3 UB (L/R)
1A KB Swing, 1A KB Swing to Clean to Squat to Press, 1A KB High Pull, 1A KB Snatch to OHS)
1 (L/R)


10 Min EMOM
1 Clean & Jerk @ 70%


Back Squat

1x5 @ 50%
2x5 @ 60%
3x3 @ 70%




Friday, June 14, 2013

New Shirts...

Click here and when you hear the baseline drop, close your eyes and picture yourself makin' like a bro and swaggin' into the gym with the freshest gear on the block. Now picture everyone breaking out into a flash mob because they are wearing the same sick threads. Boom!

We will be ordering these shirts Wednesday at noon so we will need every one's sizes by then. The shirts are made from really good materials that are a blend of cotton and polyester. That being said, I would maybe go one size higher than you are used to. The girls shirts will be racer back and the guys will be regular "tight in all the right places" t-shirts.

I repeat, let me know at the gym if you would like a shirt and what size you need by Wednesday at noon. If you have a social phobia, text or facebook message me with the information. The shirts are $20 and worth their weight in cotton and polyester.

Like the wind...


Warm Up: Ropes son!

Skill: Jump Rope

10 minutes

Workout: 5 Rounds (Partner Up for motivation)

Max Effort Unbroken Push Ups
Max Effort 1L Wall Sits (L/R)
Max Effort Unbroken Dips on Box
Max Effort Unbroken T2B
200 M Shuttle (Cones 20 M apart and run there and back 5 times)

The Barbell Club


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Fresh Friday - Broccoli & Italian Sausage Egg Muffins

Looking for a mouth watering snack that doesn't take 43,745 hours to make and is healthy for you? Check these puppies out:

Broccoli & Italian Sausage Egg Muffins

1 pound Italian Sausage (sweet, mild, hot variety depending on your preference)
1 cup broccoli florets
8 large eggs
1/4 cup milk (or half and half depending on how you're feeling that day)
1/2 tbsp coconut oil
salt & pepper to taste
Fresh Goat Cheese


1. Preheat oven to 375 F.
2. In a large saute pan, over medium high heat, brown Italian Sausage for about 5 minutes, or until the sausage is no longer pink. Remove from heat and stir in broccoli.
3. Whisk together eggs, milk, oil and baking powder.  Season with salt and pepper.
4. Lightly spray a 12-cupcake pan with oil.Spoon out the sausage and broccoli mixture evenly into each cupcake.
5. Ladle the egg mixture over sausage and broccoli. 
6. Sprinkle with Goat Cheese.
7. Bake for 15-20 minutes.  

Like the wind...


Warm up: #4 (Laddahs yo)

Skills:  L-Holds 3x25 secs

Strength: Deadlift
Take 15 mins to find a 3rm

30 Alt KB Swings
30 (15L/15 R) High Pulls
30 (15 L/15 R) KB Snatches
30 (15 L/15 R) Cocktale Lunges
30 (15 L/15 R) 1A Rack Squats
100 Ft KB Bear Crawl (Get the KB 100 ft however you can while bear crawling)

Barbell Club

Warm up: #4 (Laddahs yo)

Skills:  L-Holds 3x25 secs

Strength: Deadlift
Take 15 mins to find a 3rm

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

July 13th Open House

We usually lead with a witty metaphorical title but in this case I feel a straight forward punch to your skull's memory bank and information database is a better tactic.

Yes, much like our title states, well actually, exactly like our title states, we are having an open house on Saturday July 13th from 9am-3pm.

We call it an open house but it's more like a State Fair of awesomeness. There will be but not limited to:

Bounce house for the kiddies
Blood Bus to help out those in need
TEN product giveaways and presentations
Hawaiian Food Truck by our favorite Asian, Jen Byrd
Sign Up tent for AoSTB Savage Race Team

Push Up Contest (Male and Female)

Pull Up Contest (Male and Female)

Broad Jump Contest (Male and Female)

Music and Fun

...And a huge secret be named later...

Like the wind....
Warm up: #5
Skill: Box Jumps
Take 10 mins to find Max Height
4x5 Pendlay Row - Heavier then last week
Strict Press
1x5 @ 75%
1x3 @ 85%
1x1+ @ 95%
Alt between each exercise. Rest 30-45 secs between each.
Workout: Ascending Ladder from 1-10
Rope Burpee
Rope Plank (1-2 count)
Speed Skaters (there and back is 1)
Barbell Club

Warm up: #5
Skill: Box Jumps
Take 10 mins to find Max Height
5x2 Hang Clean + Push Press @ AHAP
Front Squats:
2x5 @ 65%
2X3 @ 75%
2x3 @ 85%
1x2 @ 90%

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Breath of Fresh Air

I wanted to segway last night's blog thanking squats for being the epitome of all exercises with today's post about how to breath properly throughout a squat. Across the board, our squat proficiency is outstanding. On a daily basis we see the squat principles we teach applied properly and many of you are even self correcting before Cale and I even have a chance to drop any advice on you. That is awesome to see.

No need for me to delve into the inner workings of your breathing techniques because California Strength, who has more degrees associated with their name than Cale and I have nonsensical catch phrases, does a perfect job of explaining how to breath in this video.

Take a look and apply these techniques before each and every squat. Perfect practice makes perfect so even do this when warming up.

Like the wind...


Warm up: #2

Skill: Shoulder Mobility


8X1 (3) Position Snatch
-Pause 1 sec at each position  -If you can't catch it in a squat, then add an OHS at the end
-Rest 60-90 seconds between sets

2X5 Snatch RDL
-Use same weight as 3 Position Snatch

Workout: 7 Rounds (70% of clean max)

3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
-Go right into 3 front squats from last PC
***15 min Time Cap***

The Barbell Club

Active Rest and Mobility Work

Workout: 5 Rounds

1 Min Slow Jog, 1 Min moderate jog, 1 Min fast jog
-Can also be done on a bike


Monday, June 10, 2013

Dear Squats, thank you.

Dear Squats,

You're like a father who tells their rambunctious child, "This will hurt but it's for your own good."

Much like the father who brought leather across our backsides to make us better people later, you also hurt us temporarily to change our lives forever and for that, I thank you.

Thank you, Squats. Thank you for making me stronger in my everyday movements. Since I was a little kid sneaking away in the corner to mess up my diaper in perfect unencumbered squat form, you have been around. You are there now as I drop my squat made hind parts down to help me lift the box of books as my neighbor down the street move. Thank you for giving me the strength, mobility, and know how to do so.

Thank you, Squats. Thank you for being the best exercise to build raw dense muscle. Muscle, the stuff that helps me burn 50-70 extra calories a day at rest for each pound of it I put on. Thank you for allowing me to burn an entire Big Mac because of the 10lbs of muscle added to my entire body from your perfect existence.

Thank you, Squats. Thank you for beneficially taxing my stabilizer muscles and positively impacting  my ligaments, joints, and connective tissues as I drop down with knees pushed out and glutes squeezed tight. Thank you for helping my friend, Tony Lisotta transform his crystallized hip joints into silky smooth greasy ball and sockets that would impress Pyrros Dimas.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Squats. Thank you so much for the increased balance you have given me. You make my brain fire signals to every inch of my body which makes my central nervous system sharp as a tack and you even strengthen my bones better than a mega dose of tums. Milk may do a body good but you take the cake when it comes to healthy bones and body health.

Squats, I thank you. I thank you for making the confidence of my female friends sore from the benefits seen in their backside. I thank you for making my scrawny friend increase size in his upper half because you force his body to maintain a natural homeostasis as growth hormones and testosterone pump through his body after 5 heavy sets. I praise you and I thank you for improving my overall body strength, burning up my loveless lovies, allowing me to stuff my face because of the metabolic furnace you have turned me into, and I thank you for being the General, Emperor, King, and Guardian of the faith when it comes to exercises.

Like the wind...


Warm up: #1

Skill: Split Jerk Footwork

Strength: 6 Min EMOM

1 PC + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Split Jerk @ 75%+

Workout: 4 Rounds

In 3 person groups rotating between exercises and resting 10 seconds between exercises and 20 seconds between rounds

1 Min on Ropes
-20 (s) Kneeling Grappler's Throw
20 (s) Slams
20 (s) Kneeling Grappler's Throw
1 Min Broad Jump Burpees
1 Min Jump Rope

The Barbell Club

Warm Up: #1

Skill: Shoulder Mobility


7X1 Snatches & Snatch Balance
-2 Snatches + 1 Snatch Balance @ AHAP
Snatch First Pull
-4X3 @ AHAP


Strict Press
-4x3 @ Heavy (work up in weight)

-4x5 Negative Pullups (4-5 second count down)

Shut Up and Pull Up Challenge



On the Horizon...

It's gettin' heavy today, guys! I am going to leave it brief today and just say that this is the start of another great week and there are so many new things on the horizon for Art of Strength TB and we can't wait to start unveiling them this week.
On a side note, great job this Saturday guys. Checkout your work here.
Like the wind...
Warm up: #4 (Ladder drills, son!)
Skill: BL KB Lunge
2x5 (L/R)
Strength: Back Squat
1X5 @ 75%
1X3 @ 85%
1X1+ @ 95%
Ascending EMOM ladder of 1A KB Thrusters done on each side (M: 20kg W:12kg)
Rd. 1-1:1
Rd. 2-2:2
Rd. 3-3:3
Rd. 4-4:4
Rd. 5-Etc...
Keep going until reps can not be completed in the minute.
The Barbell Club
Warm Up: Same
Skill: Same
Strength: 12 Min EMOM of 2 Clean and Jerks (AHAP)
Back Squat
1X5 @ 70%
1X5 @ 80%
3X3 @ 80%
1X3 @ 90%
1X2 @ 95%



Friday, June 7, 2013

Healthy Energy Balls Recipe

Carbs are necessary and awesome. You should eat them in the morning, before and after working out, and even before bed.

"What??? Did he just say eat carbs?" (Cue shot of cursor moving to unsubscribe from blog)

For those of us who train. Yes, I said train. Soccer Moms in the Hamptons workout but if you are a runner, triathlete, competitive lifter, crossfitter, Adventure Racer, or even Insanity in your living room doer, you need carbs and protein both to prep for your training and then rebuild after.

That being said, your options should not be limited to processed poison like Muscle Milk or a sugary mess like a Cliff Bar. Save some money and ingest nutritious whole foods while making your pre and post workout snack one that would make the judges on Chopped exclaim, "Bravo, the blend of nuttiness from the cashews and the butteryness of the coconut flakes is like a symphony of deliciousness and the dusting of the cocoa powder makes the plate pop and my taste buds dance."

Read below and unlock your inner Robert Irvine. You know that dude gets his protein in.

Healthy Energy Balls Recipe


Ten dates
One cup of raw pecans
Heaping teaspoon of organic cocoa powder
Dried coconut shreds (optional)
Raw cashews (optional)
Goji berries (optional)


1. Soak the dates in water. If you think to do this an hour or more in advance, it's fine to use room temperature water. If you're pressed for time and only have a few minutes for soaking, use hot water. The idea is to soften the dates so that they are easily blended into a soft paste.
2. Measure out a cup of raw pecans and put them in a food processor. A strong blender might also work, but for this recipe, a food processor works best.
If you have trouble digesting nuts, soak them in water overnight, strain, and dry with a towel before proceeding.
3. Process pecans on low or using a pulse setting until they're nicely ground. You don't want to make pecan butter here - you're looking for nicely ground pecans.
4. Add a heaping teaspoon of quality cocoa powder. If you don't enjoy chocolate, it's fine to skip this step.
5. Blend or pulse for another few seconds to bring ground nuts and cocoa powder together.
6. Add six soaked and mildly crushed dates to the mix. It's best to add a little water to this recipe to create proper texture.
A good way to add just enough, but not too much water is to lightly shake the dates as you get them out of their bowl of water, give them a gentle mush with your fingers, and add them slightly wet to the ground pecans.
7. Process on low or use the pulse setting until the dates and pecans become together into one mass.
You want the texture to be such that you can pinch off teaspoon-size chunks and roll them up with your palms into bite-size balls. If need be, add another mushed up date or two, but always be conservative in adding extra dates, as once the mixture gets too moist, it's very difficult to fix by adding more nuts.
8. For some variety, roll balls in dried coconut, cocoa powder, and consider adding raw nuts and dried berries on top before serving.