What a day! Day two of this week has brought us tons of pull ups PR's, two Birthday's, and our second day of our new Barbell Club. Those of you participating in the Barbell club have looked incredible so far. The proficiency of your lifts are incredible to this point.
We are sweeping the barbell back, activating our glutes, being patient during the second pull, and we even had a newbie (Summer Mahr) not only PR on her Clean but then she managed to split jerk that sucker overhead. Isn't it funny what a little technique and peer pressure can do for you?
Tomorrow will be an active rest day for our Barbell Club so come in, mobilize, tenderize, smash, and turn those knotted up muscles into melted butter before you get in a lil' cardio session.
For the rest of you, prepare for a day of variety. KB complexes, Pendlay Rows, Strict Presses, and even some front squat EMOM's are all on the docket. Speaking of Front Squats, everyone check out K-Star's Mobility WOD on "ungluing" tight wrists and forearms.
Cale and I will be doing a similar video to this shortly to teach y'all how to work out kinks that just aren't showin' you any love. Thanks for reading and see you all tomorrow.
Like the wind...
Warm up #2 |
Skill: 2 sets on the Left and Right KB Complex (1A KB Swing, 1A KB Swing to Clean to Squat to Press, 1A KB High Pull, 1A KB Snatch to OHS) Strength: 3x5 Pendlay Row - Heavier then last week Strict Press 1x3 @ 70% 1x3 @ 80% 1x3 @ 90% Alt between each exercise. Rest 30-45 seconds between each Workout: 5 Minutes to find TGU Max When 5 Minutes is up… 10 Min EMOM (65% of max Clean) 2 Power Cleans 2 Front Squats -Don't put bar down between 2nd PC and 1st FS Barbell Club ACTIVE REST 10 Sets 10 Second Sprint 20 Second Moderate Pace 30 Second Light Jog |
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