Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Cut Yourself Some Slack

Hannah Schimpf's 110lb Clean PR
So maybe old Schimpanzee didn't reach full extension and maybe her high pull was non existent but what she did do was hit a 20lb PR on her clean and if her clean used to be Snookie, now it's Marissa Tomei. That sucker is looking way better! So even though it's not perfect, old Schimpf is still smiling and having a blast. Look at that smile mid pull!
Guy's and gal's, this blog is a simple one. All I want to say is, be proud of yourself. So you missed a PR attempt. Big friggin' deal. You had to PR a half dozen times to even get to that point. Be proud of how far you came to get to where you are. Be proud that you have learned new skills, have new goals to meet and exceed, and have a place to let out aggression from a day filled with spreadsheets and boring office talk.
You all are incredible and you exceed Cale and my expectations daily. Walk in here with a goal to get better than you were the day before. It can be anything from proper breathing to staying patient and actually taking advantage of rest periods so you can properly complete your next set. What ever it may be, attack it and aim to exceed your previous attempt. If you do that, you will PR daily.
We are pumped to see you all PR on front squats, 300 M shuttle, and pull ups tomorrow. Come and get it!
By the way, tomorrow we will have a blog on a subject very close to my heart. I'll give you a hint, it has to do with swinging your body like a monkey with vertigo to get your chin over the bar for a meant to make your jaw drop amount of reps.
Also, after you all PR on your pull ups tomorrow, we will post the pull up program we used to get everyone to their goals.
Like the wind...

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